Clément at the Ocean Surface Topography (OSTST) meeting

in Porto Rico, Nov. 7-11.

The meeting was held in Porto Rico, Nov. 7-11.

Clément presented an overview of the SWOT capability over ocean after the lauch of the satellite in December 2022.

Title: From low resolution gridded altimetry maps to fine scales in KaRIn images.

Authors: Clement Ubelmann (Datlas, France), Antoine Delepoulle (CLS, France); Anaelle Treboutte (CLS, France); Yannice Faugere (CLS, France); Gerald Dibarboure (CNES, France)

Abstract: While nadir altimetry is limited today to 40km (Pujol et al, 2022), the resolution of multimission gridded 2D maps available today (for ex in the Marine Copernicus Service) is still lower, more than 150km, depending of the latitude (Ballarotta, 2019). Launched on December 2022, the SWOT satellite offered us early 2023, after advanced post processing, some first images revealing signals at scales never reached before. This presentation will give a first overview of SWOT capability over ocean, and describe a processing algorithm based on the global constellation of Altimeters to calibrate medium and large scales, specific denoising for short scales, and standards (MSS, tide model) necessary to reach such resolution.
