Sammy at the Copernicus Marine General Assembly 2023

in Brussels, June 5-6th.

Sammy presented the on-going project SLICING funded by the CMEMS-Service-Evolution program. SLICING stands for Sea Level Innovations and Collaborative Intercomparisons for the Next-Generation products. It is a CMEMS - Service Evolution project that builds collaborative data challenges for the next-generation sea level anomaly metrics, observation and mapping products. This is a collaboration between Sammy Metref and Clément Ubelmann in Datlas (lead) with Maxime Ballarotta and Clément Busché from Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS), Ramonville St-Agne, France, and Maxime Beauchamp from IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire, Brest, France.

Program of the CMEMS General assembly: https://marine.copernicus.eu/events/copernicus-marine-general-assembly-2023-0